Shio Koji (Fermented Rice Koji)
2 cups rice koji (Kome Koji)
4 tablespoons sea salt
1 up hot water
1/4 cup cold water
1. Boil water
2. Break up rice koji into small pieces.
3. Put rice koji place in the glass container.
4. Add 4 tablespoon sea salt then mix it well.
5. Pour 1 cup of hot water and 1/4 cup cold water in the same glass then add it to rice koji. Mix it well.
6. Put the lid on and let sit overnight at room tempter.
7. Next day, add 2 tablespoons of water them mix it well.
8. Continue mixing one a day for a week. Once it achieve the creamy consistency the Shio Koji is ready!
Bon appétit!